Game-changing technology

The challenge

Electrification is a necessary step in the right direction of conscious and sustainable resource management. The battery industry plays a vital role in this transition. However, there is an increasing concern in regards to the environmental cost of battery production. The extraction of minerals associated with battery production requires enormous amounts of power and water, and may impact the lives of the people, animals, and nature in harmful ways. 

The lack of effective battery recycling solutions is yet another challenge. Today, relatively few batteries end up being recycled due to technical constraints, economic barriers, logistical issues, and regulatory gaps. 

There is a missing element in energy storage, and that is high-power cells that are economical, sustainable, and safe.

This is where we welcome Beyonder’s breakthrough battery technology.

Our solution

Beyonder has created the next generation power efficient battery cells. Our technology has improved sustainability by avoiding the use of cobalt and nickel, is safer, can be fully charged in 12 minutes, and has a cycle life of 10 000 cycles. It reduces the need for frequent replacements and has an improved environmental footprint compared to most competing battery technologies. 

Our patented battery technology is an economically and environmentally sustainable alternative in several high power applications, compared to conventional Li-ion batteries. The application spectrum ranges from contingency services, power stabilization in renewable energy production, mobility applications with rapid acceleration, start up currents and regenerative needs (ferries, buses, construction machinery, etc.), as well as auxiliary services, and charging infrastructure.

With a clever combination of technologies, Beyonder’s high power cells are perfectly suited for a variety of applications where traditional batteries are lacking the power density, or are merely too expensive throughout the application lifetime. Through comprehensive research we are producing tailor made solutions to nearly every applications requirement! 

With the innovative and sustainable combination of raw materials and the absence of critical and controversial substances such as cobalt and nickel, our cells have an enormous performance in terms of longevity (up to 100,000 cycles through our patented pre-lithiation process), extreme temperature tolerance, rapid charge and discharge, and high power density.

The internal resistance of Beyonder´s cells are significantly lower compared to conventional Li-Ion batteries. Our technology requires less cooling and has lower losses, thus higher round-trip efficiency up to 96%. 

Another advantage of our cells are the improved safety due to the reduction of thermal runaway. By substituting metal oxides in the cathode we eliminate internal oxygen sources and significantly reduces the risk of thermal runaway and fire.