Turning Norwegian Sawdust into Batteries

Press release:

Beyonder has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Tschudi Bio Company and WAI Environmental Solutions to cooperate on further development and production of Beyonder´s super activated carbon.

Beyonder will cooperate with with Tschudi Bio Company and WAI Environmental Solutions to explore industrialisation and business opportunities in the development of super activated carbon.

There is an increasing demand for environmentally sustainable battery technologies, and the market is looking for alternatives to the minerals used in current technologies. Beyonder’s battery technology is based on using activated carbon produced from sawmill by-products. The company is now partnering up with Tschudi Bio Company and WAI Environmental Solutions to explore industrialisation and business opportunities in the development of super activated carbon, and how to tailor the product and enhance its performance in different applications.

Mapping the potential

Beyonder´s patented battery technology is developed using sawdust from the Norwegian forestry industry. Using a wood-derived activated carbon cathode enables Beyonder batteries to operate at a higher power and be more durable and fast charging than conventional batteries. The main goal of this collaboration is to further explore the opportunities in full scale production of super activated carbon for a fast-growing market. 

Beyonder have for some time produced electrode materials for batteries and supercapacitors from sawdust. To meet the demand of the global battery market, we must establish an industrial pilot and full-scale production of super active carbon, as well as optimize the quality and quantity of the production, says Beyonder´s project leader Dick van de Kleut. 

Enhancing forest resources

To have access to certified and reliable raw material the production is intended to be co-located with Bergene Holm sawmill in Haslestad. Bergene Holm is a Norwegian sawmill corporation with a long history of delivering sawn timber and products made of wood to the public.

Our primary objective is to create high value from our entire production on site and avoid the current expensive transportation of our by-products. We welcome the opportunity to efficiently recycle and reuse sawdust within the battery value chain, says Erland Løkken, Managing Director of Bergene Holm. 

The project will help ensure that Beyonder´s battery technology continue to lead the way in terms of sustainability, high power and energy density.

About the partners:

Tschudi Bio Company AS (TBC) is part of Tschudi Shipping Company - a private shipping company in Norway, since 1883.  TBC’s long-term aim is to combine new green technology with well-known marine solutions that can offer the world as a marketplace and where access to stranded assets can give potential for super profit.

TBC has also obtained a license agreement with Glommen Technology to their patented method to produce Cellinfiber where the sugar has been extracted from the hemicellulose and where the ash content has been reduced by 90%. TBC believes that Cellinfiber might be an interesting raw material in Beyonder’s patented production of SAC. 

WAI Environmental Solutions AS has experience and capabilities in the development, specification, design, engineering, fabrication, installation and testing of end-to-end treatment systems for converting organic materials to biocarbon. The processing plants called CarbonWorks are designed for processing biomass, sludges and organic waste materials, in particular belt drying systems, pyrolysis reactor systems, biocarbon production, syngas processing and activated carbon production systems. WAI is also specialized in biogas/biomethane plant upgrading technology called SynolysCarbon. 

About Beyonder 

Beyonder, founded in 2016 by its CEO Svein Kvernstuen, develops and produces the next step cells needed in battery technology with high power, fast charging and long lifetime for industry and commercial infrastructure. For further information, visit www.beyonder.no 

For further information or comments, please contact:   

Kristin Skofteland, Chief Commercial Officer & Legal Counsel  

M: +47 900 22 753 

E: kristin@beyonder.no 


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